• Any issues? Contact us on:
  • info@PropertyDeveloping.co.uk
Number of courses -Per Month 2 4 8 14
HMO’s ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Buy To Let ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Case Studies × ✔ ✔ ✔
Health and Safety on site × ✔ ✔ ✔
Site Finding × ✔ ✔ ✔
Business Plan Templates × ✔ ✔ ✔
Training Videos × × ✔ ✔
Valuation × × ✔ ✔
Standard Contract × × ✔ ✔
Cost Cutting × × ✔ ✔
Finance × × ✔ ✔
Detailed Due Diligence × × × ✔
Accounting in property × × × ✔
Property Strategy × × × ✔
Business Strategy × × × ✔
Planning in property × × × ✔

In each course you normally get 7-10 pages including Explaining the concept, Cost Saving Measures, Case Studies, Algorithms/ Formulas, Common Issues, Our 10 Golden Rules, Tips, FAQ’s and a Quiz based on all the information learnt in the course.

This page Explains what the course is about and tries to give a small introduction on what you’re looking at.

In this page it gives you some tips you can use to save money in and around the chosen topic

The Case Studies page gives you real life examples on how we’ve incorporated the chosen topic into our business and gives you figures and methods that we’ve used

For this you get a few formulas that are relevant to the topic and it gives you ways in which you can use them

In the page from Common Issues you will get some Issues a lot of people face. and we will give you some tips on how you can solve the issues. If you have any extra issues we haven’t stated please feel free to email us and we can try our best to answer them!

In this we give you an insight on some rules that we tend to use for our business

In this page we give you some general tips that you can use in your business

On this page we give you some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) and then some answers to the questions to help you.

The quiz gives you anywhere between 5-10 multiple choice questions that are completely based off the information in the course. As long as you paid attention during the course these questions should be a piece of cake!